Avantis Via VPN

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  • #125647
    Profile photo of JeffJeff

    I’m now able to connect to my Avantis from offsite via VPN. However, when I load a file from the mixer after logging on to it, it takes ~6.5 minutes or so for my laptop screen to be painted and ready to use. I assume this is because there’s quite a pile of data to send to the computer. However, I don’t know how much data really needs to get to me and whether for some reason it’s including the audio files associated with the show, which as far as I know, only reside on the thumb drive connected to the mixer. My download speed is 50 MB/s and the venue’s upload is reportedly 1 GB/s. The data is actually coming in to me at around 1 MB/s. So, is this long load time typical or is there something I may be overlooking? Once I’m up and running, the control is pretty much instantaneous. Thoughts? Solutions?

    Thanks in advance.

    Profile photo of JeffJeff

    Update. The 6-minute load time also occurs when not loading a show, but just clicking “Continue” once logged on.

    Profile photo of KeithJ A&HKeithJ A&H


    It can take up to 10mins when first connecting.
    Like dLive, the system was designed and optimised for standalone ‘in-the-room’ use, and the remote access is an extra.
    The initial sync will take a while, but as you have found, the individual control messaging is then responsive.
    Please also note the security recommendations in this article – https://support.allen-heath.com/hc/en-gb/articles/4402905047569-dLive-Connecting-Director-to-a-MixRack-over-a-WAN-connection


    Profile photo of JeffJeff

    Thanks! I can stop looking for data bottlenecks now.

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