QU16 gain level doesn't match with Logic Pro Console

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of SteffenR SteffenR 1 month ago.

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  • #122367
    Profile photo of Kikouvolant

    Hi everybody,

    Here is my problem: I set the gain of my microphones on the QU16 console using the PAFL button for each microphone, in order to have a precise view of my gain and I check that I remain in the green.

    Then I open the Logic Pro console, and unfortunately the gain that I see on Logic Pro doesn’t correspond to the one I see on the QU16… (it’s much lower)

    At the moment the only solution I have found is to go to Routing, Direct Output Trim and then I add dB there. This actually increases the gain coming into Logic’s console, but unfortunately what I see in Logic’s console is still not identical to what I see on the QU16…

    I would like it to match with Logic Pro cause It’s very confusing…

    Can you help me ?

    Thanks in advance !

    Profile photo of SteffenR

    The QU is a live sound console and it is important to have headroom in live sound.
    The 0dB metering point is at 0 dBu and the console introduces +18 dB of headroom until the AD converters produce peaks.

    Your issue is all about the differences in metering.
    You compare two different metering systems against each other.
    Logic is showing you the 0 dB point at 0 dB FS without headroom.

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    Profile photo of Kikouvolant

    Hi Steffen,

    Thank you very much for your answer!

    I understand that the QU16 adds +18db of headroom for live performance. Knowing that I only use the console in the studio, do you advise me to remove this headroom by going to Routing, Direct Out Trim?

    What is not clear to me is on which metering I should base myself to set up my gains… The QU16 or Logic ?

    Is there a way to see exactly the same metering in Logic and the QU16 ?

    Thanks again!

    Profile photo of SteffenR

    Is there a way to see exactly the same metering in Logic and the QU16 ?


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