director rename show lost scenes

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of biscuit2000 biscuit2000 5 months, 3 weeks ago.

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    Profile photo of biscuit2000


    i use my dlive cdm32 only with director (and MS) i renamed a show, loaded another show, went back to the renamed show and now i’ve lost some scene’s, the last one’s made in the renamed show.

    can i find them somwhere on the director computer, i can only see the show in a tar format so i suppose the scene’s are in the tar.


    Profile photo of SteffenR

    There is no auto save for shows.
    You need to save your current show if you need to keep the settings. If you rename something, you just rename the show that was saved before.
    There is an override function that stores the current settings to the show.

    Profile photo of biscuit2000

    Thank you steffen, but every time i started the pc with director i did have the scene’s, (without saving the show)so they had to be stored somewhere, any chance i could retrieve them somwhere from the pc?

    also can you explain the override function a little bit more?

    thank you

    Profile photo of SteffenR

    If you start director, it loads the last state of the console, this includes the settings, the configuration, the libraries, and all scenes.
    But it does not recall a show or a scene by default.
    For permanent use, you need to save a show.
    This writes a copy of the actual state to the memory.

    Renaming doesn’t affect the content of the actual show.
    It just renames what was stored.

    If you change a parameter, the last saved or recalled show has not the same content as the actual state any more and when you recall a show, the actual state of the console gets overridden with the content of the show, and the state before the recall is lost.
    The same applies to a system without a surface.

    Profile photo of biscuit2000

    thank you again, my loss.

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