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  • #127766
    Profile photo of crizdeecrizdee


    My scenes are very different from band to band and different shows so using the same stereo assigned inputs isn’t an option.

    Unfortunately the ganging option isn’t going to work either as I use 8 ME-1s which work ok with stereo linked channels but doesn’t like ganged channels.

    Why didn’t they just have stereo linking on channels like QU etc 🤷‍♂️

    Ok so I’ll have to leave a USB drive in the desk for show file recall!


    Profile photo of crizdeecrizdee


    Ok so I have to save as a show file to get the stereo inputs and group assigns to recall?

    Which means I have to use the usb drive and not the internal memories?? As internal doesn’t seem to have the facility to save show files 🤷‍♂️


    Profile photo of crizdeecrizdee


    Ok thanks for the replies. I guess i’ll have to bite the bullet and buy some new ones. I do have mixingstation which still works on ipad 2s so at least i have a backup for now.


    Profile photo of crizdeecrizdee


    Sorry i mean connected on the SQ? if i have the AR2412 connected does the SQ desk then run at 48k?

    Im currently using the AR2412 on a QU but switching to an SQ7


    Profile photo of crizdeecrizdee


    Yes somewhat bizarre 🤷‍♂️

    Is it the same on the Avantis?

    An auth file on your usb stick would surely work somehow?


    Profile photo of crizdeecrizdee


    Ok thanks for the info. So once activated on the desk that’s it forever on that desk by the sounds of it.

    So anyone upgrading from an SQ5 to an SQ7 would have to purchase them all again? No way to move them onto the new desk? Same if the desk breaks and you buy another type situation.


    Profile photo of crizdeecrizdee


    I use the 2TRK outputs to feed videogrophers. it just replocates the left/right. they can usually control the level their end, most i work with have the zoom stereo recorder or a wireless transmitter so have a couple of balaned 1/4 jack to XLR for this purpose.

    I use the ALT out to feed IEM’s for FOH engineer and ALT set to PAFL so i can listen to anyone’s mix in the engineers In-Ears


    Profile photo of crizdeecrizdee


    Has anyone done the ios update yet and tried it with their desk?

    When ios10 was released both my ipads stopped connecting via DHCP so had to setup static addresses. all is fine with static, just at the first gig with ios 10 we were short of time and it set us back a bit.


    Profile photo of crizdeecrizdee


    The QU only has 1 Dsnake input (No through or out) so no way to connect to 2 desks.


    Profile photo of crizdeecrizdee


    Thats brilliand thank you sir. Setup> mixer Config is what i was looking for.

    I am using ME-1’s for the static musicians and thats seems identical to the QU operation so yeah its just to make sure i can quickly configure all the IEM’s that the singers and frontline use.

    Regards Chris

    Profile photo of crizdeecrizdee

    Brilliant, Guided access works a treat. thank you for sharing.


    Profile photo of crizdeecrizdee


    This isn’t a training issue, these guys know how to operate the app its just you’re in a busy room with flashing lights and the master fader mute button is only 2mm away from the group/mix select buttons. Ive even had people come up and try and touch the ipad whilst walking the room. its a live bomb in my opinion without the ability to lock out certain show stopping buttons.

    Anyway, looks like its not available at the moment so going to be a feature request.

    Thanks Chris

    Profile photo of crizdeecrizdee


    13 piece band all with radio mics and in ears so someone has to be by the desk/stage area doing mon mix and the other has to walk the venue doing front of house.

    still can’t see how this enables you to lock out the mutes and on/off buttons. i haven’t got the desk in front of me just the ipad app so maybe its different when its connected!!


    Profile photo of crizdeecrizdee


    Are you referring to permissions option? can’t see any way to block channel on/off or channel mute.

    Only block access to mixes and groups and channel routing and QU drive recording etc. am i missing something?


    Profile photo of crizdeecrizdee


    checked it at a gig yesterday and the desk was clipping on the output long before our Nexo rig got even close to max level. our previous desk (Mackie TT24) could peak the nexo rig easily(Nexo TD Controller-Camco vortex 6 amps) Master meters were off the scale, so no doubt about it the output is lower by quite a bit. i guess about 6-10db.

    Loving everything else about the desk. just need to look at a way to up the output.


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