So… just an update,
I am using the Zedi-10fx with Garage Band running Catalina OS 10.15.7 and Garage Band 10.3.5
Result? Works great. Quite happy with this setup. The pre-amps on the Zedi are rather gentle until the last 20%. Then the slightest rotation really ramps up fast. But no complaints thus far.
I’m able to record 4 tracks simultaneously and play back is fine as well. So from my experience, this has been a good unit for my needs. Very flexible and if you want to use it for a live mixer into a PA, viola’! I love that this little guy is an interface and a mixer. No latency with the monitoring routing…pretty cool. Not a bunch of boxes and cables to bring together for recording. I was even able to run this setup using my iPhone without issues using Multitrack DAW by Harmonic Dog. Overall impressive unit for the price point and value.
Want to get this out there if this helps someone else.
Only wish this forum had a place for us little guys with the Zedi 10fx!
Thanks all!