Where is Note Off on MIDI Strip ?

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  • #112062
    Profile photo of FranckFranck

    Hi there,
    I’m experiencing MIDI to OSC Translation, from my dLive to an OSC Lighting Console. I put a MIDI strip on my surface. Connect the MixRack to a PC, and installed the MIDI driver. I’m using it in “MIDI Thru”, and analyse what I received with “Protokol” (from hexler.net). And I discover that when I press, let’s say, the PAFL button, I have a Note On command, and that’s all. I never have a Note Off command when I depress the button. So, If I connect it to a Flash Button on the lighting console, it stays ON, but never go back to off. Annoying… Any idea ?
    PS : I’m using ShowCockpit to make the translation MIDI to OSC.

    Profile photo of biscuit2000biscuit2000

    same with mutes, is use bome software to make it toggle.


    Profile photo of FranckFranck

    Thanks Biscuit2000, I will try. Bome is capable to detect when you press the button, and when you depress it ? I don’t think so, but I think you may say that one push = ON, and another push is OFF, correct ? If yes, it’s not a good solution for my needs. But I will try by the way.

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