Using MIDI control over TCP/IP from Visual Basic

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  • #93876
    Profile photo of johncjohnc

    I have a GLD-80 on my LAN network at
    I would like to Mute and Unmute Stereo Group 2 from within a Visual Basic program running on a different computer but on the same LAN (
    I should be able to transmit a tcp/ip MIDI stream to do this from the Visual Basic computer. I’ve spent a couple of hours stumbling through YouTube presentations and various Helpfiles to no avail. Nowhere are there some simple examples to help folks like me out.
    I know the stream should include the GLD address, a port number, the MIDI channel number, and then a few specific HEX numbers should do the trick.
    Could someone please help me fashion what I hope is a simple set of commands to solve this problem.
    Thanks in advance.

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR
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