USB drive – Qu16

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    Profile photo of dmarindmarin


    I’m a new owner of Qu16 very pleased so far.

    I want a usb stick for recording (Qu drive)

    I saw SANDISK EXTREME 64GB USB 3.0. (

    Does anyone knows if this model works with the mixer?

    Thank you!

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    It’s the commonly recommended stick

    Profile photo of dmarindmarin

    yes but is the 64gb version recommended/compatible?

    Profile photo of Dick ReesDick Rees

    If you search the subject you’ll find multiple endorsements of the 64.

    Personally, I prefer to carry multiple smaller Extremes for purposes of logistics and redundancy…

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    And thinknif you need a single 12+ hour recording…

    Profile photo of dmarindmarin

    Thank you all for your help

    Profile photo of moonmoon

    The 64 gig Sony 3.0 also works great with the QU-16

    Profile photo of timhumtimhum

    Just make sure you buy the USB stick from a reputable dealer and do a trial recording before you use it for real.

    There are fake copies out there and you do not want to find out the hard way!

    This goes with any sort of kit but it is sometimes easy to fall into the “Plug and Play” trap

    Profile photo of skipskip

    Hey guys, I’m new to this forum so I’m not even sure that I’m in the right place but hopefully someone can move this post if I am not. Here’s a couple of questions I’ve come up with. I purchased an A&H Ice-16D some time before another member in the band purchased a QU-16. Having recorded with the Ice 16D very successfully both to the USB drive and to the Windows laptop using the Cubase or the Pro Tools DAW. But then when the QU-16 came in, even though the manual said to use a USB hard drive we experimented with Lexar 32 gig 3.0 sticks and they recorded all 18 tracks flawlessly. So here’s my question: Having worked a number of years in professional recording studios here in Austin the standard adage is “if a digital recording is not backed up at least twice, then it’s really NOT backed up.” So since the Qu-16 has a USB “A” slot on the mixer board face and a USB “B” in the back, can it record to both of the USB slots at the same time? Are they mirrored copies of each other? *Note* since we did not buy a USB hard drive up front we have successfully slaved the Ice-16D to the USB “B” and recorded beautifully without a flaw. It would really be wonderful if we could be recording a backup copy on the Ice-16D at the same time the Qu-16 was recording to the front slot. ?????

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Yes, you can record from both, the bottom 18 tracks are mirrored to the QuDrive iirc.

    Manual section 8:14 is your friend (might have moved a bit for 1.7, sorry)

    Profile photo of skipskip

    Great! Thanks a million. It gives me great security on a remote gig or on a live show that may become an album that there is a simultanious copy being made. The A & H Ice-16D really rocks for portability and now shaking hands with the Qu, yeah, I’m real excited.


    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Not quite sure how the ice is being used here – care to enlighten me?

    Profile photo of skipskip

    Sure, The Qu-16 records nicely using Lexar 32gig 3.0 USB sticks in the top panel Qu “A” port. We have also experienced great recording into our Ice-16D out of the rear of Qu “B” USB port. Now what we’re going to try to to record from both ports simultaneously, both with USB sticks.

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Didn’t think the ICE looked like it did digital I/O, looked like analogue only (based on a brief read of the spec on the A&H site and an SOS review)

    Profile photo of AndreasAndreas

    For digital recording from the USB-B the ICE would need a) a second host connector, b) to be able to “understand” USB audio streaming as implemented by the Qu and c) select which 16 from the provided 24 streams should be recorded. Analog yes, but 16 analog output on a Qu16 are somewhat hard to accomplish…
    Anyway: Concurrent Recording on QuDrive and DAW running on a computer works fine, do exactly this everytime.

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