on my lenovo X1 the connection with my q16 stopped working after a year of use. I updated the driver, pc, everything it just won’t connect
I replaced the cable, changed the usb ports, restartet the devices, i don’t know what to do anymore
Qu Asio driver is up to date, firmware is up to date
The usb port are working normal
any ideas?
Win10 has a habit of ‘helping’ you by changing things without telling you.
Win10 killed my usb until I went in and adjusted auto power savings and perhaps reset the usb to get it back to normal.
hey thx for the suggestions, i not only adjusted the power settings to never tun usb off but also tryed to erease the irq history ob connected devices, at least i tryed with the tool usbdeview
any other ideas=
I would try the Qu with another different pc that is not win 10
or attach the Qu usb to something that is not a pc
I still suspect that win10 got updated and that forked something.
Always turn off ALL updates. If it aint broke dont let billyg try to ‘fix’ it.
But for now google for the MANY settings that win 10 has that need fixing.
I printed off a 6 page list that are needed to make it reliable and easier to use.