Currently doing a conference using all 4 bands of channel PEQ as notch filters. In mixpad, I am unable to “select” the HF band on the graph and therefore cannot use the slider to adjust filter width. Other bands work as expected and if I hide the faders to show full EQ settings I can make adjustments there, so not the end of the world. This happens on mixes as well as channels.
Can anyone confirm if this is a bug or just me being dumb??
I cannot reproduce that here, so it may be related to your device.
You can contact us directly with more info through and let us know what you’re using so we can look into it further.
In the meantime, you can always pull down the centre bar (with meters on it) to get more detailed control of processing, including access to all the individual PEQ parameters.
I’ve rebooted the ipad while we’re on break and can now select all bands as normal. Should have tried that before posting (so confirmed me being dumb!)