Surround sound panning effect.

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  • #87615
    Profile photo of BradBrad

    In my upcoming musical Jekyll & Hyde, I would like to have an effect where in Hyde’s voice pans around the room in surround. I have the speakers in place but I’m not sure about the best way to automate the process. I would like his voice to start center and “fly” around the room and return to the center. Ideally, this would be a single button press. I think I can do it with a series of cues but I would like it to be simpler than 6 cues, one for each position and a fade between each. Any ideas would be appreciated.

    Profile photo of Nicola A&HNicola A&H

    Hi Brad,
    You can set crossfade times for each Scene, and the fade will include the panning / 5.1 positioning.
    You can use Embedded Recalls to automate Scenes.
    You can use Scene Filters to block all parameters other than pan for the desired channel.
    So for example, Scene 1 has a crossfade time of 2s and an Embedded Recall set to recall Scene 2 after 2s. Scene 2 also has a crossfade time of 2s and an Embedded Recall set to recall Scene 3 after 2s, etc.
    Hope this helps.

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