Strip assign – Ability to add single layers to recall scope

Forums Forums dLive Forums dLive feature suggestions Strip assign – Ability to add single layers to recall scope

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    Profile photo of elisavoielevacelisavoielevac


    I know you can already scope a bank in recalling with snapshots and/or safe it but on a cti1500 it would be great to be able to recall only certain layers.

    For example have latter F as your “show” layout with what you need per song but having anything else recall.

    Right now if you want to change anything in your “static” layers, you have to do it in each snapshot.


    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    I don’t understand the request… every scene safes everything, always.
    You need to block the recall of the parameters you don’t want to change.
    There is no recall scope available.

    Indeed it would be an improvement to set Layers recall safe, additional to the surface banks.
    But you can use embedded scenes to recall saved layout settings that are set as you like/need it. Just block everything else.
    And the DCA Spill feature together with the user keys is unbeatable.
    You can change your layout on the fly with it. Just use the DCA to spill the needed channels over your layers.

    You are able to spill unassigned channels to the layer with this method. Just add them to the DCA with the routing screen.

    Profile photo of elisavoielevacelisavoielevac

    I already use dca spills extensively to access unassigned channels.

    My point is that if you include strip assign in the recall scope, all the layers are going to change with scenes recalls.

    I use layers A to E as “static” layers or utility layers. I use layer F to bring what I need in front of me for each songs. So A to E don’t change.

    But, if you wanna change the layout in A to E, you have to do it in every scenes because it recalls with the snapshots.

    Hence having a more granular recall scope to only include layer F in snapshot automation.

    Profile photo of BrianBrian

    Yes. Allen and Heath needs to add granularity to the layer recall safe options. Having only “all” or “none” isn’t very helpful. There are actually a lot of elements like this (but of course I can’t remember any off the top of my head) that need to have granularity added.

    Profile photo of Timothy HobbsTimothy Hobbs

    Seconded, I often only want layer A of bank 2 to change with scenes, being able to filter out the other layers would be nice.

    Profile photo of DaveDave

    Ah, thanks for elaboration, I get it now and yeah, +1


    +1 Filtering individual layer banks and letters would be helpful. I also like the DCA talk going on here, giving me some ideas!

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