Stereo width Control

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  • #99295
    Profile photo of DilettantDilettant

    Maybe i am missing something but a Way to control (and maybe display) the panorama width for stereo Busses and Channels would be nice sometimes.

    For Example, think of a classical Music Venue (let’s say, a symphonic Orchestra) where a Front- and two delay lines are used. Maybe, that’s done in stereo to achieve a little more transparency without too much EQing on Channels.

    The SQ can handle that nicely using two Stereo matrix Busses for the Delays, fed by the Master which is used for front line (and maybe a third Matrix used for some Subwoofer).

    But at the delay lines the stage is much more far away so the whole thing should sound more natural if the Stereo Panoramas of those delay lines are more narrow than on the Frontline. So a “width” Control additional to “Bal” would be great – maybe even as a DEEP Plugin in the Matrix Busses if necessary/possible.

    Profile photo of BrianBrian

    This has as much to do with speaker placement as anything. Now I realize that we don’t always have the luxury of putting speakers exactly where we want.

    You could always use a post fader aux mix that you send your channels and group outputs panned specifically for the delay speakers.

    Profile photo of DilettantDilettant

    You could always use a post fader aux mix that you send your channels and group outputs panned specifically for the delay speakers

    Sure, but then you have to do the Panning of up to 48 Input Channels and of course all your groups twice with a little Difference. That is not really practicable to handle, especially when you decide to set up a quick delay line after the first 10 Minutes of the gig because it is more windy than you thought.

    An optimal Solution even for studio use would be an optional Haas Stereo Processor as DEEP Plugin in the Matrix that allows to convert the Signal to MS, then readjust M and S Levels (and maybe phases) for the delay line and then recombine to LR with adjusted width. But i think to have simply Balance and Width would be enough for most live use cases.

    A “deLuxe” Version would also allow to switch between level and phase panning for mono Signals. Not to forget a “Slave” Function for Aux Sends so Balance/Panning and Width for Aux Mixes can follow the Master Mix automatically. But that was suggested in another Thread of the Forum already.

    Profile photo of ioTonioTon

    Same idea here:

    I’d love to see such editing possibillity on all Stereo Busses.
    The question is, if the internal structure of the SQ can be changed to achive this options.

    Don’t think that this would need so much processing power – because it’s only an level change.

    Hope that A&H could implement it!


    Profile photo of Dave MeadowcroftDave Meadowcroft

    +1 from me!

    Profile photo of ioTonioTon

    Today, doing Live Sound + Streaming on the SQ, i faced another use case of this feature.

    LR => Stream (so the Main mix was the Stream mix)
    Grps => Aux => PA
    So i used some Grps with thier EQ for some mics to adjust to the PA, without changing the sound of the Stream.

    I wanted to use a wide panning for some mic’s in the Stream, but not for the PA.

    With the requested Stereo width control in the Grp bus it would be no problem to create a “more mono” signal for the PA!


    Profile photo of YannYann

    +1 definately

    Profile photo of YannYann

    Also if this gets done could it have a midi control please 🙂 to be able to toggle mono/stereo mixes with a button (see thread on Studio Monitor Control)

    Profile photo of GutsyStudio D&DGutsyStudio D&D


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