Connecting an expander (or I/O Card) will not disable any other input or output sockets.
It will simply add more input and output sockets to the system, which can then be used however you wish.
What it will not do is change the number of input processing channels available. The SQ always has 48 of these, whether you have expanders connected or not.
Where you could be confused about ‘disabling the local inputs’ is that to patch all the available input sockets from the GX4816, you will be patching SLink inputs 1-48 to all input channels and overwrite the default local patching.
Personally I find it easiest to consider the input sockets, input channels and also channel strips on the surface as 3 separate things.
The 48 input processing channels in the core can be sourced from any available input socket – local or remote analogue, or digital (USB or I/O cards)
Input channel strips to control the processing and routing of these can then be placed in any position on any layer of the surface.
Hope this helps,