I know there are a number of users who are both DAW and SQ mixers. In the situation where you’ve recorded lots of audio tracks only (30-32) into your DAW from usb-B, what are your opinions of mixing using DAW EQ, Compression, reverb and gates vrs. SQ EQ, compression, reverb and gates.
I know I will use Cubase 10 for normalizing, pitch correction, tiny timing corrections, but what about SQ vs DAW for the final mix down to stereo? This would be eventually syncd to video as a band demo.
I have the opto and mighty add-ones along with dyneq and multi-band compressor on the SQ. I have stock Cubase plug ins and have used Old versions of Waves Renaissance that I could update.
So tell me how you would approach this situation and why? I know this is a very broad question. MANY THANKS in advance!