SQ Stereo Aux output (IEM)

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  • #112081
    Profile photo of GerwinGerwin


    Perhaps strange question, but does changing an AUX output to stereo turn the single XLR into a stereo XLR?
    Thus needing a splitter cable to feed the stereosignal into a IEM transmitter

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    Profile photo of BrianBrian

    No. Getting the output of a stereo group/aux/matrix, etc requires the use of two analog XLR outputs – one for each channel (L/R).

    Profile photo of GerwinGerwin

    Ah, ok.
    That makes me confused looking at this picture (attachment).

    Making AUX1 to stereo results in AUX1 and AUX2 being combined to AUX1 as stereo?


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    Profile photo of GerwinGerwin

    Ah wait. I think i see now.
    The above line are the physical outputs and the left is the bus.

    Profile photo of Gardacus (Mike)Gardacus (Mike)

    Hi Gerwin (NL I suppose?)

    It will make aux 1 and 2 as an example, left and right.
    If you want to use it with e.g. a Fischer amp or a behringer powerplay p2, then you have to make or get a dual xlr to single xlr. like https://www.thomann.de/nl/fischer_amps_cable_for_in_ear_stick.htm?gclid=CjwKCAjwq-WgBhBMEiwAzKSH6G31xwai6QCzZ9u6PkjvUnZ0i9IRpB1dSwxBfw407rpoY03q2K52SRoCdY8QAvD_BwE

    Although making it yourself is quite easy if you can solder, and a whole lot cheaper.
    In the attached picture you see on the AR2412, line out 1 and 2 with one of the cables I made.


    If you need more info, let me know.

    Mike (NL)

    Profile photo of Søren SteinmetzSøren Steinmetz

    You are correct Gerwin.

    When you make an Aux Stereo, it needs/uses 2 output sockets on the console (or Stagebox)

    And yes, on the left you have the Aux’es etc. and on the top the output connectors.

    Profile photo of croydon_clothearscroydon_clothears

    Buy some ME-1/ME-500 personal mixers for the band to do their own personal stereo IEM mixes.

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