This last weekend I had the Q out for a simple show . During sound check, the channel fader for input 11 was acting wonky. The number 11 fader runs a fold back send on the top layer, and is this lead vocalist on both the lower layer and custom layer. While on either the custom layer or lower layer, the fader exhibited the symptom of “loosing its ground” for about 2-3 millimeters of travel around infinity cut, but resumed normal operation once I passed that point. As we all remember from our analogue days, when a fader looses it’s ground, it passes signal as if there is no fader in path. Only the trim knob changes the level. When I switched back to the top layer, the fader worked fine without showing the same symptoms. I worked around the problem for the show. When I got a go at the mixer yesterday, it was still doing the same thing. Because it didn’t do the same thing on all layers, I thought it must be a software glitch. I did a “hard” reset and that seems to have solved the problem.
Has anyone else had a glitch like this?