Soft Key Scene Store Next

Forums Forums SQ Forums SQ feature suggestions Soft Key Scene Store Next

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  • #99115
    Profile photo of WilliamWilliam

    Maybe I’m missing something, but is there not a softkey to store the scene over the selected?

    If not, I would really love this softkey.

    Profile photo of DilettantDilettant

    There is “Scene store current” IIRC?

    Profile photo of Chris IrwinChris Irwin

    I am having what I think is the same problem – the only option for “scene store” on a soft key stores to the current scene. There is no option to store to a “next scene” from soft keys. However, when in the scene manager portion of the touchscreen the “store” button stores to whichever scene is highlighted (i.e. “next”) NOT the current scene, unless you have highlighted the current scene. I would like a soft key to behave this same way; since I have many people using the console, I have them load a template scene, but I want them to store to a new scene, not to accidentally overwrite the template which is most certainly going to happen a lot as it currently stands!

    Second request: can we have a way to lock out a scene so that it can’t be stored over accidentally? (Either without unlocking, or without admin privileges.)

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