RTA gain

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  • #39300
    Profile photo of Anonymous

    There are many times that I want to see the RTA of my mains or a channel, but the level is below what the RTA can pick up. Instead of having to find the channel and mess up my gain structure to fix it, I think it would be easier to just bump the level to the RTA with a conveniently placed soft knob.


    Profile photo of Anonymous

    The RTA is fed off the PFL Buss, so if you have your gain structure set to a good level, this should not be an issue. Just remember that the default for the RTA / PAFL is

    Pre Fader on the inputs and Post Fader on the outputs, so if your output faders are pulled down, your RTA level will look low.

    Hope this helps

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Good gain structure and mains at 0 would be ideal, and would make me happy; however, due to the nature of the room, we have a system that has power to reach 120dB with headroom that seldom runs above 80, thus everything looks tiny and meaningless (I sometimes never reach the second LED on the mains meter during a show). Any thoughts on how I could have everything running at an appropriate volume until after the output processing, then knock it down about 40%? That would solve the problem!

    Profile photo of Pit LenzPit Lenz

    You could still run your L/R at on healthy level and feed your sound system from a Matrix where you can adjust EQ and levels to the room acoustic’s requirements. Another advantage of this setup is that you can feed another Matrix to record without the PA room corrections.

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