Recording LR Post Fade on Qu-Drive Multitrack

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  • #36169
    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Last week I tried to do a multitrack recording with Qu-Drive patching LR post fade to channel 17-18 using the Setup /
    Audio / Output Patch screen.

    After going through the recordings, it seems that it was still recording Stereo I on channel 17-18.
    Anyone else experienced the same problem?

    Profile photo of LouLou

    Did you remember to hit APPLY when you sel;ected the output source? They don’t tell you that you have to do that. Choose the option you want, hit apply before leaving the screen.

    I also found out that the multitrack recording display does not show you the channel selection for 17/18 until you arm it to record – I like to record the pre-fade master, and I seleted it several time and it did not show, until I armed for recording and then it showed! Kinmd of lame, but okay once you know it.

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    I guess they will change this behavier in future software updates…

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Thanks for your reply! I will check!

    Profile photo of JohnnyDJohnnyD

    The Home->Qu-Drive->Multitrack screen managed playback and recording all in one screen with one set of meters and transport controls.

    Since multitrack playback always sends Qu-Drive channels 17+18 to ST1 it has to reflect this when you’re stopped/paused/playing. Once you are armed/recording, it will show you the output patching which has been set up in the Setup screen.

    Basically, the issue stems from the routing being fixed in one direction, but patch-able in the other direction. Hopefully that explains the behaviour you’ve been seeing. Apologies if this isn’t very intuitive, it’s something we could look at for future releases.



    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    Yes please

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