QU16 Windows 10 and Studio one – your experience?

Forums Forums Qu Forums Qu DAW integration QU16 Windows 10 and Studio one – your experience?

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    Profile photo of uselessoldmanuselessoldman

    I had posted this question in the General discussion section but I failed to get any sensible answers so I will have a second try, here instead.

    I am considering the QU16 as a control surface for Studio One using windows 10×64. I am looking to replace my old Yamaha 01x which still works as originally intended but with issues, I have to run windows 10 in development (test) mode (Yamaha never updated the drivers beyond windows XP) and since I have been upgrading my studio this is the last item on my list. From the documentation it would appear most of what they have developed for DAW control is MAC only yet there now appears to be a windows driver?

    SO please anyone what if any DAW control is available from the QU16 using windows to DAW software. Is it just USB not TCP/IP and is the audio interface /mcc Mackie control available visible in some any or all DAWS? and can it potentially be programmed to more or are you stuck with what the drivers offer?

    If its only for MAC then I am sorry for wasting your time, I have no interest in buying a mac never have never will.

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    @ Uselessoldman. Firstly I have never quite seen an original post bring out the Behringer converstaion to that extent!

    So with regard to your questions:
    I have used a QU with Windows back in the early days and I’m talking mid 2014 when I first starting experiementing with the QU after running GSR24M an Allen Heath desk with lots of midi controls!

    I did get a email from Allen Heath saying that you can connect a QU over ethernet and I’ll cut and paste it here:
    Admittingly I was using both Win and Mac and experimenting between the 2 of them.
    You should be able to connect over Ethernet. The reason why we only refer to USB in the pdf is that it’s plug ‘n play and most will use USB for audio anyway. This is an edited email from them”

    “First, make sure the mixer is set to a static IP address compatible with your computer. By default it is set to DHCP which will not work when connected directly into a computer. (I unticked this and had DHCP on in the MAC) For example, set the Qu to and your Mac to or similar, both with subnet In DAW Control, choose TCP/IP. If the mixer is not available in the dropdown box, type in its IP address and tick the Connect box.”

    So from memory that was for CONTROL Purposes
    The drop down box they are refering to is the Control DAW.
    Now admitingly I know nothing of your DAW [studio one] software as I use Reaper DAW.

    I use 2 QUs simultaneously into a computer to achieve a 16 channel real time effects within my iMac.
    However from memory the QU can control faders PFL into ALT out for your studio monitors, mute. You can program in start stop.

    Keith from Allen and Heath pretty much summed it up in the previous post.

    What puzzles me is that you are looking at an XT32? and thats quite a bigger mixer?
    On googling the XT32 as a midi controller it seems there is a lot of conflicting data out there?
    The XT32 quite a bit bigger than a QU16? A QU24 maybe better it has easier access to 4 effects and subgroups and more softkeys to program.

    Without wasting your time its a pitty you can not get a QU to try before you buy!
    And to see if you can get out of that Developer mode
    Cheers and I hope I have helped some.

    Mtk0815 may be able to help you as he is involved with Win10 and Midi?
    Here’s the link to the Behringer midi I read:

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