Qu-Pad: Type in amount of ms?

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  • #107292
    Profile photo of MichaelStelzMichaelStelz

    I mostly use the Qu SB for my FOH jobs.
    The only thing that is bothering me is that I don‘t know how to type in an amount of milliseconds when I want to delay channels/mixes. Also in the FX section I would like to set the Delay to a fixed ms number.

    Is there a way to do this using an iPad with Qu-Pad App?

    Thanks in advance!

    Profile photo of GigaGiga

    Nope, touchbar and tapdelay respectively…


    Profile photo of MichaelStelzMichaelStelz


    Profile photo of KeithJ A&HKeithJ A&H

    As Giga says, this is not possible, although you can achieve fine control on most parameters in the app by keeping your finger on the screen whilst adjusting but moving it (perpendicularly) further away from whatever you’re controlling.


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