Qu Latency Compensation

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  • #54023
    Profile photo of Dr. JDr. J

    Does anyone know if the Qu-32 has any Latency Compensation?

    For example – If I decided to run a parallel compressed Sub-Group with heavy effects processing on the drums next to a duplicated drum Sub-Group that didn’t have any effects on it… With both routed to the mains… Would there be any time arrival differences by the time it hits the main bus?

    Profile photo of cornelius78cornelius78

    Iirc if using the subgroup’s own compressor there won’t be any coherence issues between the two subgroups. If using inserts for your fx then one path will be more delayed than the other. There is no automatic delay compensation.

    The only live desks I’ve seen that do any sort of automatic delay compensation when you use inserts are the Midas Pro series and Yamaha Rivage PM10. Ilive doesn’t, GLD doesn’t, and I don’t think I’ve seen any advertising about dlive doing it.

    Profile photo of mervakamervaka

    dLive does it too:


    unless you’re using an FX slot.

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