Qu Drive Wave Playback "click" and format problem

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    Profile photo of mumawumumawu

    I´m using the Qu Drive playback function to play Wave-Mixes between one band and the other. Works fine. But, starting a stereo wave file generates a small click. Switching to the next file while one is playing also clicks. It is not very loud but I can hear it over the speakers.

    The other thing is, that I can not playback waves generated with Cubase 7. I always have to open the file in WaveLab and save it up again. Cubase 7 Waves where displayed as “unsupported format” in Qu Drive. Have changed every parameter – didn´t fine a way to get it work.

    Does anyone have one or both of this problems? Any idea how to fix it?

    Profile photo of mamericamamerica

    The noise may be coming from ST3. Try muting it while using the Qu-Drive

    This is from the Version 1.3 Release Notes:
    Some USB noise can be heard on the ST3 input channel when the top panel ST3 mini-jack input is
    selected as its source and nothing is plugged in. Mute this channel or turn its fader off when it is
    not being used. The noise is not present when an audio source is plugged in.

    Profile photo of mumawumumawu

    The Noise isn´t from ST3, because I have plugged in a mini-jack and the CH is turned off and muted as well.
    I don´t know, but the click noise isn´t coming all the time. Sometimes there is a click, sometimes not. In WaveLab or another DAW software isn´t any noise and I also don´t see anything that could produce these clicks.

    Profile photo of Nicola A&HNicola A&H

    The other thing is, that I can not playback waves generated with Cubase 7.

    Hi Martin,

    What version of firmware are you running? V1.31 added support for Broadcast Wave files (BWF chunks) as well as WAVE64 headers. If you are already running V1.31 could you please submit a support ticket here and attach a copy of these Cubase 7 files? That would help us investigate.


    Profile photo of mumawumumawu

    Hi Nicola

    I´m running V 1.31 – earlier versions didn´t have this problem. Everything works fine.
    I was trying Broadcast Waves in Cubase 7 – unsupported format. But I didn´t tried WAVE64.

    The support ticket will be submitted today.

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