Qu-Drive Sample Files?

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  • #61055
    Profile photo of Pê

    Hi guys. I’m having a really bad problem.

    I downloaded the audios from the same site where everyone downloaded.


    I imported all to the ableton live (my favorite daw after the PT), I exported all the audio to 48kHz 24-bit WAV, 18 files, checked the file sizes, renamed the files, put the same folder of the original files inside the pendrive, I inserted it into the console, and gave the project message invalid.

    Has this ever happened to anyone? I had this problem, and I’d love to find a solution.

    Can someone help me?

    Profile photo of AndreasAndreas

    I guess ableton produces some incompatible header (i.e. included broadcast wave information or inserted some odd padding or 24 bits packed into 32 bit words). Difficult to say….

    Profile photo of FabFab

    A “solution” would be to re record them from your daw/multitrack player in the qu-drive.. (no processing and nominal level everywhere)

    Profile photo of PauloPaulo

    Greetings to all

    I recently bought a QU-24 (my first “real” mixer) and I’ve spent the past 2 weeks studying it. I think I’ve got a pretty good grasp about most important things, but now I am trying to use free multitrack files to train and I simply can’t get it to work.

    I have downloaded WAV stems from the Cambridge website, formatted the drive in the QU-24, placed exactly 18 tracks (named TRK01 to TRK18) in the MTK folder of the drive, and all I get is the first file to appear on the “STEREO” tab of the mixer. Nothing under the Multitrack tab…

    What am I doing wrong? I would be extremely grateful if someone could give me a step-by-step guide on how to assign each track from the multitrack to each channel of the mixer. (I checked the manual of the mixer, but no help there).


    Profile photo of GigaGiga

    Also: make a random multitrack recording via the desk and see how it configures the maps/folders and then simply copy that workflow if that makes sense.


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