QoS Warning, Lost I/O on Surface. T112 Idr48

Forums Forums iLive Forums iLive troubleshooting QoS Warning, Lost I/O on Surface. T112 Idr48

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  • #113648
    Profile photo of TiphTiph

    Hi everyone
    I’m in trouble with an ilive T112 and an idr48.
    Qos warning ace port A,
    Lost i/o on surface, and the auxes masters…
    Not passing by a switch, already tested 5 diferents cable, even a Cat7 3m all new… Nothing.
    Please help me !!!! 😭😭😭😭
    Does someone live in France by any chance ?
    Near Bretagne ? (Brittany for our english people)
    Need it working by thursday. Already send a ticket to A&H support. But it’s complicated for my tour to send it…
    Thanks every one for your time.
    I’m open to every possible solution.

    Profile photo of RGRG

    Not sure what troubleshooting you have done – have you attempted to network connect idr to the t112 directly, so to create a 3 node network – idr, t112 and surface? This would eliminate possible issues with your switch.

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