Pushing through sound

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  • #116114
    Profile photo of Wmixer101Wmixer101

    Hi, I have the allen and heath avantis console, im wondering how i can push my LR mix through all my local outputs rather than having to create and look after a different mix for each output


    Profile photo of ScottScott

    1. Go to the I/O page and patch the Main LR to all output pairs on the local console.

    — or —

    2. If you want independent level controls, then use matrix mixes, and set the Main LR to feed the matrix, and route those to the outputs, giving each output its own level control.

    Profile photo of Wmixer101Wmixer101

    How do you use matrix mixes say if i have a monitor speaker or fold back speaker in local input 1 how do i put my LR mix into that and still have my LR control aswell as an idepensant level control for that


    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    TBH, this is a product related support forum, not the place to teach somebody the absolute basic mixing skills.
    Monitor speaker on input 1? Really?

    Profile photo of Wmixer101Wmixer101

    im not asking how to make a monitor, im asking how to combine LR mixes and push them through all my outputs

    Profile photo of TobiTobi

    Please be nice.

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    im not asking how to make a monitor, im asking how to combine LR mixes and push them through all my outputs

    I have no idea what this means. Is English your native language?
    Then you should know the difference between input and output.

    How do you use matrix mixes say if i have a monitor speaker or fold back speaker in local input 1 how do i put my LR mix into that and still have my LR control aswell as an idepensant level control for that

    It’s still confusing to me, what you ask.

    Profile photo of ChrisChris

    Seems like an awful waste of outputs to push the same mix out of each. Why not use a splitter coming out of one output and have the availability to do other things with your other outputs?

    Profile photo of Selim TosunSelim Tosun

    1- Set your AUXs post fader
    2- Set your input’s send levels 0 dB each AUX mixes
    3- Patch your mixes on I/O pages. Or you can patch only one mix to multiple physical outputs

    Profile photo of BrianBrian

    You can route an output to more than one physical output via the routing tab. So while in an analog console, the main L/R mix is only going to the physical main L/R XLR outputs, on a digital desk (including the Avantis), you can route the main L/R mix to any/every physical output (XLR output 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 etc). Basically you can send any output mix to any physical output – even it is is duplicated (ie one output mix going to many physical outputs). As noted earlier, if you route it this way, every output’s signal level will be the same. Any change to that output’s fader level will affect all the outputs equally. The only way to control the volume of the various outputs independently would be at the amplifier. Obviously that would be hard to change during an event.

    This is why it was suggested that you use Matrix output if you need independent control of each output’s signal level (you may or may not need this in your particular situation). A matrix is a mix of outputs mixes. You can send the main L/R mix to Matrix 1 & Matrix 2 & Matrix 3 & Matrix 4 & Matrix 5, etc, etc, etc. You can use the main L/R fader to control the overall signal level going to each matrix (if you pull the main L/R fader down 10db, the signal to every matrix will go down 10db), but each matrix will also have it’s own fader. If you need matrix 2 to output 5db more than the other matrix, you can simply turn up the fader on matrix 2 to +5db while leaving the other matrix faders at unity.

    Hopefully that makes sense.

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