PAFL MIX Softkey

Forums Forums Avantis Forums Avantis feature suggestions PAFL MIX Softkey

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  • #103714
    Profile photo of BuckBuck

    We run 12 Aux mixes all on one layer. Have soft keys on right side of the console set for each Aux Mix. Would be nice to be able to press a softkey and have it select the Aux with MIX and PAFL active.

    We have the individual channels set that if I press PAFL then MIX is also selected. This is a great feature but have found no way for the soft keys to make this happen.

    Regards – Buck

    Profile photo of StixStix

    You can on Dlive by use of the “Sel Mix PAFL Scene” option in softkeys.

    in Avantis its called “PAFL Mix Sel Scene”

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