Outputs via Tie Lines

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  • #113387
    Profile photo of MattyMatty

    Hello Everyone!

    For my next gig I wanna use SQ5 (with option card) at Monitor with GX4816 and an Avantis for FOH using Tie Lines. My amps for the PA’s gonna be at the SQ5 (monitor mixer) so my question is there any way to patch the main outputs from the GX or the SQ?

    THX for any help!

    Profile photo of MattyMatty

    My solution would be: From the FOH mixer I route my outputs through the cat5 I get the input signals. Am I correct?

    Profile photo of TobiTobi

    Yes, Use Tie lines to Pass audio in both directions between the SQ and avantis.

    Use only one cable and have an additional Slink Card in SQ to make the Connection to foh.

    Best Regards!

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