Mute Channel with Logic Midi

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  • #48030
    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Hey to all,

    I have a problem concerning the Midicontrol of the iLive R72.
    I have a band where we have Logic Sessions which control different kinds of midi instruments (e.g.TCHelicon) on a click track andsend CC commands to these instruments. We also want use the intern Octaver of the iLive R72 and want to control with the Logicsession -> Mute/Unmute FX8 or DCA 3 with a Midi command. We use a Soundcard to send the Midicommand to the iLive, but as iLive is using NoteOn commands I don’t know what I have to write to Logic so the R72 mutes or unmutes the channel.

    I have the Midisheet of the R72 which says:
    Mute on
    Note On with velocity > 40 followed by Note off
    9N, CH, 7F 9N, CH, 00

    Mute off
    Note on with veloctiy < 40 followed by Note off
    9n, CH, 3F 9N, CH, 00

    So my question is, what do I have to do specifically in Logic and on the R72 so it works ?

    Thank you in advance

    Profile photo of StixStix

    Select a midi or instrument track then open the Piano Roll editor in Logic and with the pencil tool enter the note for the iLive channel you want to mute or unmute. the default note velocity will be around 80 so entering a note will MUTE the channel assigned to that note number until you enter another note – but with velocity lower than 40. you can change note velocity by right clicking or hitting escape and selecting the velocity tool then drag up or down on the note. copy and paste notes with a low velocity to unmute. Make sure your selected track is sent to your midi output that is connected to iLive.

    If you connect the iLive midi out to a midi track in logic and enter record – then when you hit an iLive mute switch the corresponding notes should get recorded in logic. You should be able to then play that back to have it automate the iLive. Watch you don’t get midi feedback though. I have not tried the above but it should work.

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