Mix minus with Qu?

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  • #104914
    Profile photo of JohnnyJohnny

    Hi. How does one do a mix minus with a Qu-16?

    Background: I want to bring Zoom into a mix and share its audio with the audience. I also want to send to Zoom the rest of the mix from all the local microphones. On a analog board I can send all my mikes (but not the Zoom input) post-fader to an AUX and send that AUX to Zoom. By changing a mike’s fader, it changes output to both the auditorium and Zoom.

    On a Qu-16 and I can have the mikes go to LR for the audience and have a separate mix, say Mix1, for Zoom. But now I have to change faders twice, both in LR and in Mix1. This is a step backwards as I now have to make every change twice. Is there an easier way that I am missing?

    Profile photo of GigaGiga

    Yes, set the virtual jumper on that particular mic to “post fader”. Yellow button right above the fader in the app. Don’t know where it is on the actual board…


    Profile photo of GigaGiga

    Mic = mix (damn you edit button)

    Profile photo of KeithJ A&HKeithJ A&H

    Hi @Johnny

    Figured this might be useful for others so hope you don’t mind, but I included it in the Session today:

    As I have a Qu-Pac I wasn’t able to show a really quick way of switching on the Qu ‘surface’ models (like the Qu-16) however…
    To switch individual channels between Pre and Post send to the current Mix, hold the ‘Pre Fade’ key to the left of the ‘Sel’ keys then use ‘Sel’ keys to toggle between Pre (illuminated) and Post (not illuminated).
    To toggle all input channels to the current Mix between Pre and Post, just hold the same ‘Pre Fade’ key and use the master fader ‘Sel’ key.
    (You can also do this on-screen by selecting the Mix master channel and going to the ‘Routing’ screen where there are options for All On/Off and All Pre/Post)


    Profile photo of JohnnyJohnny

    Thanks Keith. If I understand you correctly, the faders, when I select a mix, are equivalent to the Aux knobs on an analog mixer.

    Profile photo of KeithJ A&HKeithJ A&H


    If I understand you correctly, the faders, when I select a mix, are equivalent to the Aux knobs on an analog mixer.

    Exactly that!


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