Labelling Qu desk

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This topic contains 19 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of volounteer volounteer 4 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #58256
    Profile photo of gilly

    How do you guys label your channels on your QU desk? Magnetic strips, tape (masking tape & pen), labelling machine (such as Brother P-Touch)??

    Profile photo of MarkPAman

    I’m using at the moment, though after a few years, they’re starting to look a little worn, and some have inevitably gone missing. I m thinking it’s time to make my own version.

    There’s a previous discussion here:

    Does anybody use magnetic channel labels on their QU mixers?

    Profile photo of David

    I use a set of magnetic tags from here

    He is due to release some new ones with rounded corners very soon

    Profile photo of GCumbee

    Good old 1/2″ label tape and a sharpie.

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    Profile photo of MarkPAman

    Is there an app to help with that? 😉

    Profile photo of DoctorG

    Right now, I use standard 3/4-inch scribble tape above and below the faders and beside the mix buttons (the wide tape must be trimmed) then attach printed labels to the tape, since our installation is fairly static but could change possibly in the future.

    The magnetic tags looks like a future possibility, but at this time the available label options are too restrictive for us.

    Profile photo of krazykev

    I use magnetic labels- print your own and just made lots of different ones, a few basic sets and individual specialty instruments, with a nice woodgrain background !

    Profile photo of joel77

    I use console tape and a felt tip maker. It’s worked for me for years. I haven’t seen an alternative that looks like it would work any better for me.

    Glaser Audio Productions

    Profile photo of gilly

    Thanks guys. The Mixtagz labels look good,can you get them in different sizes (i.e. width) and is there a standard list of texts or can you custom order with specific text?.

    Profile photo of MarkPAman

    To the best of my knowledge, there’s just the one size (which is the right size for the QU mixers) and they offer one set of labels as “Live Sound” and one as “House of Worship”, which include some blanks, as well as a full blank set. I use a fine Dry-Wipe marker on the blanks when something turns up that I don’t have a pre-made label for.

    Profile photo of highrover

    There is a previous thread on this subject.
    Tom added a Word.doc file that he uses as a template and prints it on magnetic paper. It looks good to me, but I haven’t tried it yet

    See the original post here:

    Profile photo of timhum

    I use magnetic tape. There are there venues I use which have a standard set up each which I keep stored in the QU16 and there is a strip for each of them. Very handy.

    Profile photo of Zhden

    Thanks for sharing guys,those cables looks good

    Profile photo of GoodFollow

    A friend of mine has a sound company, he is providing service’s for concert’s, party’s and other things. Don’t exactly how they are labeling, but I saw that everything they have over there is labeled, even the personal pen. So that’s why I asked him to help me to label my stuff when I was divorcing with my beloved wife 😀 just to be sure that Woman won’t take my things. He gave me ptouch tape durable scrapes and abrasions. I spent an evening labeling all my stuff and now I am sure I did not lost anything important that could that woman use

    Profile photo of garyh

    For our church’s Qu-24, I used Libre Office Calc to create a color coded strip with generic labels of our custom layer. Printed this on light card stock and covered with clear shipping tape. I made several of these strips for different custom layers we use. I then permanently attached a plastic channel, that the custom layer strip fits into, to the board below the faders with magnetic tape. I then made small magnetic tabs (also color coded) with peoples names and instruments that can be placed on the custom layer space between the layer 1 & 2 space above the faders.

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