Having the ability to name the inputs/outputs on the I/O pages would be super helpful. Being able to label an input as being “In 1 Floorbox A” or “DS Wedge 1” would be amazing. This allows you to more easily take advantage of the massive amount of I/O the console supports.
An additional thing that goes along with this. Have an option to have the output or input labels for a GigaAce card get sent to the console on the other end. This would help reduce confusion when using tie lines to set up a digital split.
There are so many more things related to “naming things”:
– the ability to store & recall names in Library (Inputs, Channelstrips, Groups/Outputs,…)
– handing over names to Dante and back to the dLive system
all could be optional, to be used with a checkbox or sth., but there is quite some room for improvements left. 🙂