GL 2200

Forums Forums Other A&H products GL 2200


  • This topic has 4 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by Profile photo of JAPJAP.
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  • #116004
    Profile photo of CtechCtech

    When I press any PFL, the Main Output stops. Any ideas?

    Profile photo of Søren SteinmetzSøren Steinmetz

    Console has been set to monitor “mode”

    On page 23 in the manual:

    Just to the left of the Headphone Jack, there is a “PFL/AFL Wedge Monitor” button,
    I suspect that has been pressed.

    Profile photo of JAPJAP

    Can anyone direct me to where I can get help with an issue with our Monitor feed intermittently going out and coming back on? We are running a keyboard, 2 singers and 2 drum mics. Sometimes it just goes out and sounds like its being muffled…the mains stay on throughout and are not affected. When I talk really loud sometimes it kicks back on like the power surge makes it connect again or something? Totally random too. Sometimes it does sometimes it does not??? Thanks, Jason

    Profile photo of Mike CMike C

    Can anyone direct me to where I can get help with an issue with our Monitor feed intermittently going out and coming back on? We are running a keyboard, 2 singers and 2 drum mics. Sometimes it just goes out and sounds like its being muffled…the mains stay on throughout and are not affected. When I talk really loud sometimes it kicks back on like the power surge makes it connect again or something? Totally random too. Sometimes it does sometimes it does not??? Thanks, Jason

    Is it just certain channels that cut out in the monitor mix or the entire mix?
    If it’s just certain channels try working (pushing them in and out) the pre post switched on those channels.

    Try working the small blue recessed switches located above the sub groups. those change the aux out function and could be a bit crusty if they have never been used.

    Could be the internal ribbon cable needed re seated.

    All assuming the issue is within the mixer.

    Profile photo of JAPJAP

    It seems to be the entire monitor feed…all mics and keyboard all together go out.
    Thank you for the advice. I will try those things…

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