features needed

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  • #54829
    Profile photo of DavoDavo

    Hi, so here is my feature list request.

    1: Extend function on input faders to push onto master section when needed as per midas pro console.
    this gives extra bank of faders on one surface when needed.

    2: Population groups are also good – midas again.

    3: virtual soundcheck. either the ability to push one button and set to alternate inputs ie digital dante connection and then back.

    4: DCA and Group spill – this has been mentioned.

    5: in i/o the ability to tap and sequence a bunch of inputs in line. not one by one. it is too slow when you want to change 30 channels.

    6: obviously mute groups. – mentioned several times.

    7: the meter bridge on both screens. to be able to tap a channel there and go to its settings.
    at the moment if you are on another bank doing something, this can be a quick way to get to an input or output overview.

    8: it would be good when scrolling through DCA and group and matrix masters etc and aux for that matter, when you look at the input strips, it will say aux and DCA and group. but not which one it is associated with in the scribble strip. you have to look up to overview on the masters to see what is in each output.

    9: The VGA output. not sure why it is there to mirror left or right when you have a 12″ in front of you.
    so how about you give third option to set to only meters . or scenes. or a selection based on a button.
    This would be invaluable when running scenes and seeing the cue list without changing pages. or meters without scrolling

    I have only been on the s5000 for 2 weeks. coming from both Midas and Venue.
    I got to say I see a lot of potential. and so far it is looking good.
    It has changed my mind on AH…

    Profile photo of DavoDavo

    Another feature needed is a default button for setting faders etc. and a multiselect would be good as well

    To set all your faders to 0 like venue does. to hold a button down and tap select to reset the fader

    Profile photo of DavoDavo

    Another request.
    After assigning my custom rotary buttons to an aux mix for example. it shows Aux on the scribble strip but not what Aux it is assigned to.
    I also find this with DCA, group, and other assignable things.
    You do no know what you are on as the scribble strip does not tell you. just that you might be on an aux, or a dca, or a group.
    it would be good for the scribble strip to show extra detail. please.

    Profile photo of ahjeffahjeff

    hold a button down and tap select to reset the fader

    Hold the Reset button and nudge a fader towards 0 dB or -infinity.

    Hope this helps

    – Jeff, A&H

    Profile photo of DavoDavo

    Thanks Jeff. that worked well.
    Appreciate the quick fix.

    any idea on some of those other things?


    Profile photo of ahjeffahjeff

    in i/o the ability to tap and sequence a bunch of inputs in line

    If you hold the Setup button while in the I/O screen and touch the I/O assignment area, you can turn on “Only assign when the ‘Assign’ button is pressed”. In this mode, you can hold an on-screen Assign button, and drag diagonally to assign I/O. I don’t use this myself, but I do like to set the I/O screen to use the full screen, and enable ‘radio’ mode (‘radio’ as in radio button, as opposed to the radio broadcast application).

    the ability to push one button and set to alternate inputs

    You should be able to achieve this using the scene system and a soft key. You can allow it to use just one button by using two scenes that change the function of the soft key so that it loads the other scene. These scenes would have their recall filter set so that everything except the relevant soft key and the input routing patch bay are blocked (this is easily achieved by starting with the block all button).

    You may also be interested in any reports on V1.2 that come back from PLS frankfurt.

    Profile photo of DavoDavo

    Thanks Jeff.
    I appreciate the details. I will play around with the only assign section in i/o.
    I think i did try this, but i still had to tap each square to get it to set. will have another look.

    The scene and alternate inputs, potentially could work, bit if we are doing a lot of different shows, it could be time intensive if inputs are not one to one .
    we thought of this, but it would be good for future options to have a button that will just switch to alternate inputs.
    the hazards here are that yes i can build a scene so i can go to my digital io from Dante to playback, make a stack of changes to the current scenes, then have another button to put the i/o back. remembering to make sure those options are safe again. it is time consuming and also can lead to potential disaster. if i was working on a theatre production of 100 scenes.

    i am waiting for PLS to start. and will be watching for news of 1.2
    I know mute groups is a desperate item needed.

    Profile photo of ahjeffahjeff

    Hi Davo

    If your two virtual soundcheck on/off scenes have a recall filters set to only recall the input routing patch bay and the one softkey they use, you shouldn’t have to use any safes or update anything else unless you ended up changing the ‘normal’ input routing patch bay. Even if you did change this, all you would have to do would be to select your ‘normal’ input routing patch bay scene, and press update, to load it with your revised input connections.

    I realise this is not quite as good the ‘alternate input’ function you suggest, but it seems that if done right, you could get 90% of what you’re after using scenes.

    – Jeff

    Profile photo of DavoDavo

    Thanks for the detailed explanation Jeff.
    I am still trying to understand this. so for example I have 50 scenes created for a show.
    I have recorded the multitracks off via Dante.
    Now I want to play the tracks back and replace the inputs.

    So I create another scene with recall filters set to recall only input routing
    play back tracks and make any changes i need, save the scene and all is good and set.
    then press the button to change the inputs back to live.

    what if I needed to scroll through a bunch of scenes. do i need to enable this button each time.

    Or do I set this into the initial scene ie a base scene where the inputs are not recalled either way unless the button is pressed?

    Profile photo of ahjeffahjeff

    Hi Davo

    Sorry, I’ve made a mistake here! When I’ve been talking about ‘Input Routing’, this is actually the wrong thing; what you need is ‘Patchbay’ in the ‘Other’ section of the recall filter.

    So my idea now becomes:

    • Block Patchbay in all your ‘normal’ scenes. I can see that this might take some time for a big show.
    • Make a scene with only Patchbay and one soft key unblocked, with your normal I/O patching.
    • Make another scene with only Patchbay and that same soft key unblocked, with the inputs taken from your I/O port.
    • Use these two scenes as your switches. If it works, set the soft key up in each scene to recall the other scene.

    Sorry again for the confusion!

    – Jeff

    Profile photo of DavoDavo

    thats ok Jeff. I appreciate the update.
    what would make my life easier right now is the editor.
    I can do this from home. I am now using the dLive every day at work. and it would be so helpful to be able to work on this stuff at home


    Profile photo of DavoDavo

    hey Jeff.
    seeing as how the dLive editor is not available, I downloaded the GLD editor and set it up
    After a little confusion i have it working on one buttong.
    The trick with the 2 scenes is to get the button to recall the other scene lol
    I did it the other way first and wondered why it wasn’t changing

    As long as you have the patchbay blocked on all normal scenes you are good
    So what you would do is go through and setup all your patching and make it correct.
    because if you change something it could mess it up
    then create the 2 VS scenes, one normal and one alternate inputs.
    Then create your base scene for productions with patchbay blocked.
    works a treat. for now lol
    hopefully down the track they will simplify this.
    because it has the potential to go awfully wrong. lol

    Profile photo of DavoDavo

    Jeff another quick question on this. would there be any issues with the levels when they come back from main inputs to digital inputs, will there be any gain variations.
    I am seeing the gain rotary moving when switching between scenes for main and alt.
    We had this issue on the SC48 venue. where gain from alternate inputs was 6db higher


    Profile photo of ahjeffahjeff

    Hi Davo

    The ‘gain’ rotary moves because for a remote input, the ‘gain’ is actually the trim control, since there is no real pre-amp in this case. So what you are seeing is the rotary function changing from showing you the gain you had on the pre-amp, to the trim applied to the channel (which is probably set to zero dB).

    Hope this helps

    – Jeff

    Profile photo of DavoDavo

    cool. so switching between live inputs and recorded ones should not have the gains out of balance. one hopes.

    good to know.
    I have not heard anything from PLS yet. apart from the release of the new mixer.
    are there any bits of news on the Mac editor for dLive and the 1.2 firmware.?

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