DCA Spill Fader Placement

Forums Forums dLive Forums dLive feature suggestions DCA Spill Fader Placement

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  • #104999
    Profile photo of Dusty TDusty T

    I would love a way, when spilling DCA’s on a C1500, to chose the slot the DCA master fader will occupy instead of staying where it is. I find it mildly inconvenient that I’ve got a DCA master in the middle of my DCA members.

    Additionally, I’d still love to see spill on groups as well.


    Profile photo of Raphael Becker-FossRaphael Becker-Foss

    +1 🙂

    Profile photo of EdoardoEdoardo

    +1 for this, the SQ DCA spill places the DCA on the far right fader of the bank, it would be great to have that as a DCA option in the Surface menu

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    I would recommend to use soft keys for the DCA’s Mix button…
    It could place the DCA Master to the right border and has some more useful options…
    and you can ban the DCA itself from the surface… to save space

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    Profile photo of Dusty TDusty T

    That’s definitely one solution, but I’m pretty shy on soft keys by the time I have my 6 mix keys for monitors, a couple mute groups, some “pop groups” for non mixing things, snapshot control, and tap tempo button.

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    Don’t be shy, it doesn’t bite… 😉

    You can save different soft key settings in scenes…

    Profile photo of Dusty TDusty T

    unfortunately it’s kind of a need them there all the time sort of deal, not something that really changes per song.

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    you can use scenes for settings… not restricted to song based recall

    maybe one user key setting scheme for sound check with the aux mix buttons on the keys and one for the show where this changes to the DCA mix buttons…
    and you can toggle between two settings with a softkey as well

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