CQ18T how to get effects to Aux Outs?

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  • #119218
    Profile photo of tronioustronious

    I’m probably missing something extremely simple here, but I’m struggling with getting any type of effect to go to the Aux Outs.

    For example, if I have vocal plugged into input one and I send that signal out and that signal has reverb on it, what I’m hearing in my ear is 100% dry.

    Any tips?

    Profile photo of KeithJ A&HKeithJ A&H


    The CQ allows you to send different levels of FX to each output. Follow steps 11, 12 and 13 in the ‘How To – Add and use FX’ section of the User Guide- https://www.allen-heath.com/content/uploads/2023/09/CQ_User_Guide_V1_1_0_iss1.pdf#page=48&zoom=auto,-361,483
    The same thing can be achieved in the Faders screen by selecting each output using the ‘Sends to’ button, then turning up the FX levels.


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