CQ12T Inputs Tab

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  • #119971
    Profile photo of JayBJayB


    I’m considering purchasing the CQ12T and just had a question about the Inputs tabs on the touchscreen.

    Most online videos seem to show the CQ18T so I haven’t found many examples but from what I’ve seen of the CQ12T it looks like the channel inputs tabs (e.g. Inputs 1-5) don’t use the full real estate of the screen and there are 3 spare channel slots available, is that the case? If so what’s the reason for this? Is it possible to, for example, add the Stereo Inputs into one of the spare slots?

    Thanks in advance for your help!


    Profile photo of KeithJ A&HKeithJ A&H


    Currently, the 4 channel tabs in the PROCESSING and FADER screens on all CQ’s show:

    • The top row of mono input sockets
    • The bottom row of mono input sockets
    • The dedicated stereo inputs and FX
    • The outputs

    So yes, on the CQ-12T, there are 5 inputs on each of the first two tabs.

    However, there have been feature suggestions for custom layers here on the community, so you could add your ‘+1’ to one of those if it’s something you want to see too.
    e.g. https://community.allen-heath.com/forums/topic/custom-layer-for-cq-app


    Profile photo of JayBJayB

    Thanks Keith for getting back to me, much appreciated.

    Custom layers sounds like a great shout and a better use of the available screen real estate on the CQ-12T, I’ll add my voice to that feature suggestion!

    Thanks again,


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