Connect SQ to dLive via DX Link?

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  • #110721
    Profile photo of Pulp City PritchardPulp City Pritchard

    Can you connect an SQ’s sLink port to a CDM’s DXLink port to add the SQ’s 32×32 multitracking and virtual soundcheck abilities to a dLive rig that doesn’t have a dante or waves card? The routing might be a bit strange, and so will switching between virtual and live, but if it’ll work then it’s all I’ve got.

    I’d like to multitrack and virtual soundcheck for a dLive gig coming up very soon (CDM64 with GigaAce card, C3500 FOH & C2500 MON), there won’t be a dante or waves card available though, and the GigaAce ports will be taken up by the foh and mons consoles. But there’s an SQ console in town I might be able to rent, so if I can implement this via the CDM’s DXLink port and not interrupt the current rig that would be great. If it’s not possible with the DXLink port then I might consider removing the C2500 monitor console and trying the SQ connected to GigaAce for a monitor console and also for the multitracking / virtual soundcheck.

    I’m new to dLive and I’ve never used SQ, so the protocols and cross compatibility is still confusing to me.

    Thanks in advance!

    (Originally posted in dLive forum, copied to SQ forum)

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    Can you connect an SQ’s sLink port to a CDM’s DXLink port to add the SQ’s 32×32 multitracking and virtual soundcheck abilities to a dLive rig that doesn’t have a dante or waves card?


    Profile photo of Pulp City PritchardPulp City Pritchard

    SteffenR, If dLive Mix Racks and Control Surfaces have open DX ports which pass 32×32 io per port, and SQ Consoles can record 32 tracks and have DX-compatible sLink ports, why couldn’t we rout audio from a dLive system to an SQ console for the SQ to multitrack record?

    Profile photo of Nicola A&HNicola A&H

    Steffen is correct, the DX Ports are designed purely for our DX expanders and although the audio transport part of the protocol is similar, the preamp control data is likely to generate errors. I know users in other threads have pointed out that audio passes through, but this setup is not supported nor tested by A&H.

    Profile photo of Pulp City PritchardPulp City Pritchard

    Ah I see. Thanks Nicola & Steffen. How about using an SQ as a monitor console and multitrack recorder for a dLive system via GigaACE? There would still be a dLive FOH control surface handling preamp gain.

    Profile photo of Nicola A&HNicola A&H

    That’s certainly possible. The gigaACE card in the dLive can connect to the SQ SLink. You can use tie-lines to patch all the dLive preamps straight to the SQ for a digital split. These SLink inputs on SQ can be patched to SQ channels for monitor mixing, and also patched (again using tie-lines) to USB for recording.
    Make sure you configure the clock settings appropriately, for example if the dLive is using its Internal clock, you want the SQ to sync from SLink.

    Profile photo of Pulp City PritchardPulp City Pritchard


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