Compressors only work with LR output

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  • #47914
    Profile photo of TibsTibs


    I noticed that the channels compressors work only with the LR output on my QU-16.
    For example, if I plug a micro on the first channel and use the comp, the signal is compressed just in the stereo speakers for public, but not in the wedges plugged in mix 1,2… whether pre or post fader.

    This is not the case for EQ, Gate.

    1.71 update is installed correctly.

    Is it normal ?

    Thank you, sorry for my bad english :-s

    Profile photo of jet1968jet1968

    Press ‘Routing’ button
    Press Mix 1 button
    Choose ‘Post Comp’ from menu

    repeat as desired

    Profile photo of AndreasAndreas

    Compressor on Wedges? Sounds like much fun with feedback…

    Profile photo of TibsTibs

    Oh yes, thank you jet !
    Andreas, is it ironic ? =)

    Profile photo of MarkPAmanMarkPAman

    Don’t think he’s being ironic. I wouldn’t normally (if ever) want a live mic to be compressed in the wedges. Not a problem for a backing track though.

    Profile photo of AndreasAndreas

    Not ironic at all. Never would think about routing a compressed microphone signal to wedges for two reasons:
    – Vocalist has less control over his own volume
    – Without singing the compressor will raise makeup gain to max, effectively reducing the allowed gain before feedback which consequently reduces the maximum allowed monitoring volume.

    …and, no, gates on monitors do not make things any better…

    Profile photo of TibsTibs

    Ok, I understand and I will follow this advice…
    Thanks to everybody !

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