Buzzing Noise When Writing to Q-Drive

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  • #41202
    Profile photo of BruceMcBruceMc

    I’m getting an electrical buzzing noise through the mains when writing to a USB thumbdrive. The buzzing occurs when the write LED for Q-Drive is active.

    I’m using the Kingston Hyper-X 64GB thumbdrive. Unfortunately I don’t have another device to test. I’m assuming this is not normal, can anyone else confirm?



    Profile photo of mervakamervaka

    Read the release notes. ST3 local input floats when nothing’s plugged in. Mute it when not in use.

    Profile photo of BruceMcBruceMc

    Nope, that’s not it. All three stereo in are muted. Still buzzes when writing to USB.

    Additional info…

    I am using the Alt Out TRS jacks with the LR mix going to the Alt Out. The XLR do not make noise…just the TRS.

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    If you disconnect all of your inputs and write to your Q-drive do you still get a buzz?

    Profile photo of BruceMcBruceMc

    Yes. With all inputs disconnected and muted, all other outputs disconnected and muted (even LR mix muted), still buzzes on the Alt Out (see my edit above) when writing to USB.

    I also tried routing every other mix to the Alt Out and they all buzz when writing to USB. Seems like it is an issue with the Alt Out connection.

    Profile photo of BillyBilly

    I got the buzzing noise for the first time tonight. Same as Bruce above, the buzzing coincides exactly with the disk access light. This was a practice and we were using only the main LR mix – no monitor mixes. Buzzing was heard on both L and R speakers.

    Drive used was a WD My Book with external power source, which has been used before with no issues. One difference tonight is that we used two monitor wedges (JBL EON 15s) with cheapo XLR cables as our main LR mix speakers rather than our normal FOH speakers with quality cables.

    I was ready to box the mixer up for warranty service. Glad I checked here. If I had to guess based on the above I might say better shielding on the XLR cables could be the answer.

    Anyone have any other thoughts?


    Profile photo of BruceMcBruceMc

    Billy – I think if you are not using the “Alt Out” 1/4 connectors, you can mute the ST3 input and get rid of the buzz. I’m unable to get rid of it when I use the Alt Out connections even when all inputs are muted. I opened a ticket and A&H is working with me on it.


    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Interesting – might not be Qu-Drive specific:

    Random electrical noises during playback (studio use)

    I had the same with USB B streaming.

    (Haven’t had the opportunity to try the XLR outputs though (currently it’s at home plugged into a hifi amp for testing/familiarisation)

    Profile photo of slowhand73slowhand73

    I have the same problem. So first I solved the problem with updating the USB driver on Motherboard, but since the Win Update, it’s actually the same problem again.

    Profile photo of Mike CMike C

    On the Alt Outs are you using balanced or unbalanced cable connections, tip ring sleeve or tip sleeve.
    As for the XLR outputs make sure your cables do not have pin 1 tied to outer shell of the connector, I have found many of you cheaper cables are wired that way.

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