I’m looking into installing an AHM64 as a system processor for our whole campus, but I’m not sure if it’ll be able to do what I’m wanting when it comes to the CC7 touch panels.
In custom control, you’re able to select which layouts you want made available based upon the current preset, but what I’m not sure about is how that is handled when a preset for another room is recalled. Lets say that I have presets 1-10 for room a, and presets 11-20 for room b. There are times where I will want the layout on custom control to change depending on what state the room is currently in, but I don’t need the layout changing on the wall panel for the other room.
I’m sure this would be something easy to figure out if I had physical access to an AHM to play around with, but as I don’t, I’m trying to ensure that the functionality that I’m looking for is there before I take the plunge on this.
Can anyone confirm whether or not the layouts will play nicely in two different areas regardless of scene changes in the other room?