Name & Color Screens are failing

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  • #23850
    Profile photo of theWhiplashtheWhiplash

    T-80 Controller
    On the road for about 2 years now.

    Pic attached of the problem. Is this a channel strip failing or something else? User fixable maybe?
    Just spent $1000 replacing the power supply in the iDR32…another large expense for this system is not in the cards, and will be cause for dismissal.


    [img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] Download Photo/File: 2013-06-27_20-56-33_853.jpg
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    Matthew Grunden
    Big Daddy Weave
    iLive T80/IDR32

    Profile photo of RexeltwRexeltw

    You might be lucky and find its just the crappy ribbons inside. Not exactly difficult to open the box to check, a few TX’s and off you go. There are lots of stupid little yellow plastic retaining clips that are supposed to hold this sort of thing in place but they often fall out when the desk gets hit hard enough.

    Failing that it could be a failed module…


    Just remember kids no matter how good your mixing is you can’t polish a turd…

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    I have the exact same problem. It’s been going on for about 9-10 months. Almost every screen is affected, some of them almost completely unreadable (I have a T112 that is almost 4 years old).

    It’s scheduled to have all the screens fixed at the end of the month, but I will now make time to check the ribbon cables. Although it’s an install (church) so it doesn’t get moved around.

    Tim Gibson
    Tech Director
    EV Free Church
    Crystal Lake, IL

    Profile photo of Mr-BMr-B

    Not just the T’s chaps got a few pixels missing on a modular, makes for interesting reading at times though.
    Not heard of the ribbon cable being a cause though good call Rexeltw.

    Profile photo of KB7981KB7981

    The one we have at church (144) is doing it too. Has been for about three months. However, it was on a come and go basis, and it seems to be in pairs. Now it is pretty much constant. It does not get moved and has not been moved since installed about 4 years ago.

    Indiana, USA

    Profile photo of theWhiplashtheWhiplash

    its the ribbon cables for sure–just fixed them.

    Watch out for the little yellow tabs…they fall off into oblivion. not a good design IMHO.

    now my faders don’t move (or mix) not working out very well at this time.

    Matthew Grunden
    Big Daddy Weave
    iLive T80/IDR32

    Profile photo of Anonymous


    Originally posted by theWhiplash

    its the ribbon cables for sure–just fixed them.


    How did you fix them? Did they just need to be re-seated?


    Tim Gibson
    Tech Director
    EV Free Church
    Crystal Lake, IL

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    So I opened it up yesterday and re-seated the ribbon cables (you are right, those yellow clips are a pain). Still the same problem with the screens.

    Guess it will go in for repair.

    Tim Gibson
    Tech Director
    EV Free Church
    Crystal Lake, IL

    Profile photo of theWhiplashtheWhiplash

    I don’t think it was as much a re-seat as it was just the tiny wire not making contact. And I need to retract my previous post a bit…got 2 of the screens working, but still have 2 not working completely. I am hoping to have this issued repaired next month in service.
    I did have an issue when I opened the T80…a “zip-tied” multi-pin connector disconnected itself and I didn’t see where it had come from. That was my issue with the faders not working. Its a rather silly design and build honestly. I’m a little concerned now knowing how its connected and what I lost when it came undone. Obviously I can fix it, but its not a quick fix–there are a LOT of screws!
    I will commend “J” at American Music & Sound in the A&H tech department. He called me the next morning and was able to diagnose the issue once I sent him some photos and talked to him on the phone. Very Very helpful.
    Meeting with he A&H regional trainer next week too, so that will be a good connection to have. We didn’t buy our system from a rep, so I don’t have any go-to person right now for issues. Hopefully this will be the last for a while.

    Matthew Grunden
    Big Daddy Weave
    iLive T80/IDR32

    Profile photo of theWhiplashtheWhiplash


    To bring readers up to speed on the name & color screen issues I and others have been reporting on, its not a simple ribbon cable reseat that fixes the issue. I would recommend staying out of the inside of the surface except for routine dust cleaning unless you really know what you are doing! I will admit I don’t and created a small mess for a bit… :)
    I was able to get my T80 in to AMS (thanks Justin and David) to have the issue repaired. It’s not the visible ribbon cable hanging in the unit that’s the issue, it’s a ribbon cable inside the name & color cards. Honestly your best bet is to schedule a repair with AMS where they can replace the screens if it’s getting bad enough to be unusable. Mine were getting that way depending on the day. After 2 and a half years on the road constantly (and 2 more tours yet to go this year) mine was ready.

    Matthew Grunden
    Big Daddy Weave
    iLive T80/IDR32

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