AR2412 Monitor out issue

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  • #23325
    Profile photo of rbecksrbecks

    Hey all,

    A quick overview of our system. We had our GLD 80 installed at our church with the AR2412 and the AR84 racks. We have an Aviom system hooked into the cat5 monitor out on the AR2412. On the I/O page on the mixer we have the system setup and we are using direct outs. I was not the installer, just the technical director. At our latest rehearsal people using the Aviom system said that the levels in there ears changed constantly, and moved similarly to how I was adjusting the main mix. Now to the question, are the direct outs pre-fade on default? Or is there an option to select pre-fade? I feel that would solve the problem?

    Ross Becksfort

    Profile photo of antonyjaantonyja

    Hi Ross,

    The direct outputs are pre-fade by default, and in all the template shows. The option that changes this can by found in the input routing screens pull-up. Options are available for “Follow Fader”, “Follow Mute”, and the audio source point.


    Antony Jackson
    Software Manager
    Allen & Heath Limited

    Profile photo of rbecksrbecks

    Thanks for the response, that is what I thought. So that leads me to this question. I am assuming this is also pre “preamp gain”? If so I am assuming then this is an Aviom problem.


    Ross Becksfort

    Profile photo of TJCornishTJCornish

    No, there’s nothing pre-preamp gain.

    Are you new to Aviom? Is your sound tech mixing using gain knobs rather than setting gain structure and leaving it? Which instruments are all over the place? Is it an issue of keyboard patches that aren’t of similar level?

    You probably want your direct outs to be pre-fade, as once the initial gain setup is done, things should stay put. If this isn’t happening, you’ve got another issue somewhere else.

    Profile photo of rbecksrbecks

    Yes we are new to Aviom, new to Digital mixers, everything. We replaced a 30+ year old Tascam M320 and Mono Loudspeaker to the GLD 80 with New LR Setup and Aviom and the whole works. Love the system, but just having a few small issues with the volume being sent to the aviom.

    Ross Becksfort

    Profile photo of TJCornishTJCornish

    Make sure your sources are good and level differences between guitar/keyboard patches are evened out. Once your source is good, make sure your operators are setting up the channel pre-amp gains to light the -6dB light (I like this better than 0 – more headroom and no sound quality penalty), and then not touching them once set.

    IEMs are less forgiving than wedges are, and can reveal a lot of things – pitch issues, vocal technique issues (distance and position to the mic, needing to pull back more or less during loud notes, etc), sound operator technique issues, etc. They are worth the adjustment, though!

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