Firmware upgrades….

Forums Forums GLD Forums Archived GLD Discussions Firmware upgrades….

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  • #23312
    Profile photo of PDuff315PDuff315

    I am hoping to give some info that may go into one of the firmware rev’s..
    on the routing page for AUX/FX/etc…can we get a select all button and maybe a selection for Pre-fader? right now I have to do each one individually.
    on Record. can we get a track mark button? right now I have to stop and start the record for each track.
    SPDIF setting is low. can we ramp up the volume a bit? or allow us to do so???

    Just asking…

    Profile photo of fainisfainis

    I’ll bee glad if compressor default release speed will be slower, than 500ms.


    Profile photo of TJCornishTJCornish


    Originally posted by PDuff315

    I am hoping to give some info that may go into one of the firmware rev’s..
    on the routing page for AUX/FX/etc…can we get a select all button and maybe a selection for Pre-fader? right now I have to do each one individually.

    You can set global pre/post fade using button combinations on the surface. I don’t have my GLD in front of me, but this is documented in the manual and the on-screen help file.

    Profile photo of ddff_lvddff_lv

    If that is made similar to iLive, then you select AUX mix, then hold green pre/post button and press green select of selected AUX, now it should toggle all inputs sent to this AUX from pre to post and vice versa.


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