On the page where you assign faders to the control surface, there is a trash-can that appears but dragging faders to it doesn’t do anything? Is this trash can supposed to un-create/unassign patching?
I ask beasue we actaully unassigned a fader using this page by just dragging it from the control surface to the top of the page (the fader repository). So the fader was no longer on the contorl surface. We had assigned the input to another fader. But apparently the other fader was still patched and ON! So while we were running sound checks we had the new fader muted, but were still getting signal through to the mains from the previous assign, even though it had been taken off the control surface.
Is that a bug? And why doesn’t the trash-can seem to do anything? I’m hoping the trash-can would delete the old fader, including un-assigning its input socket.
Bryan Kirby
aka StreetKirb