Fader assign page trash-can?

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  • #23279
    Profile photo of StreetKirbStreetKirb

    On the page where you assign faders to the control surface, there is a trash-can that appears but dragging faders to it doesn’t do anything? Is this trash can supposed to un-create/unassign patching?

    I ask beasue we actaully unassigned a fader using this page by just dragging it from the control surface to the top of the page (the fader repository). So the fader was no longer on the contorl surface. We had assigned the input to another fader. But apparently the other fader was still patched and ON! So while we were running sound checks we had the new fader muted, but were still getting signal through to the mains from the previous assign, even though it had been taken off the control surface.

    Is that a bug? And why doesn’t the trash-can seem to do anything? I’m hoping the trash-can would delete the old fader, including un-assigning its input socket.

    Bryan Kirby
    aka StreetKirb

    Profile photo of StealthStealth

    Hi Bryan

    This is not a bug.

    The trashcan is designed to be used when you select a channel strip from the strip selection box at the top of the screen. If you pick up a channel strip from the selection box and you realise you do not wish to assign it to the strip layout on the surface then you can drag it to the Trash, otherwise it will automatically be assigned to the first free strip.

    To delete a strip from the surface layout you just need to drag it anywhere out of the surface layout box.

    Hope that makes sense.

    Sam A&H

    Profile photo of StreetKirbStreetKirb

    Thanks Sam, that makes sense.

    But what aout the fact that taking strip off the surface doesn’t un-patch it from the assigned input and can in fact still leave it in the mix. Is that expected as well?

    Bryan Kirby
    aka StreetKirb

    Profile photo of StealthStealth

    Hi Bryan


    But what aout the fact that taking strip off the surface doesn’t un-patch it from the assigned input and can in fact still leave it in the mix. Is that expected as well?

    yes that is expected, just because you remove a strip from your surface layout does not necessarily mean you would want to un-patch the input. some users like to setup for example a record feed, once they have the correct level set then they can remove this channel from the strip layout and know it will not be accidentally adjusted and can be replaced by another strip that they may need during the gig.

    Sam A&H

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