Would like to hear from happy MixPad users

Forums Forums iLive Forums Archived iLive Discussions Would like to hear from happy MixPad users

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    Profile photo of Anonymous

    About a month ago I decided to purchase an iDR-32 that was to be controlled by the iLive Editor and MixPad app only, no control surface. My experience so far with this arrangement has been mixed to say the least. The Editor works just fine, whether operating over an Ethernet cable or by WiFi. The MixPad, however, has been quite a disappointment. During a show I have to stop and restart the app several times because it becomes unresponsive, which is unacceptable. It can become unresponsive while I’m using it or even when the iPad is just sitting on my table for several minutes. In any case, the number of restarts of the app during a typical evening make it practically unusable.

    So I’m seeking advice from those who have no issues at all using MixPad in an effort to determine what I’m doing wrong or what I’m missing. Now I’ve done a lot of research on this forum, so I have done my homework and know to do the following:

    1) Enable multicast on the app, the router, and the MixRack
    2) Use the A&H-recommended D-Link 815 and configure it according to the directions described in the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqIujmcUDps.
    3) Shut down all other apps that may be running in the background on the iPad.

    I’ve also tried MAC-address-only security, disabling SSID broadcast, using 802.11a only. None of this seems to help.

    I don’t know if I have a networking issue, an iPad issue, or a MixPad issue, or whether some combination thereof.

    So, if anyone uses the MixPad successfully night after night, I’d love to hear from you.

    Thanks in advance for any tips or suggestions.

    Profile photo of AlbinAlbin

    Weird, i never had such an issue with my MixPad and IPad 2.
    Tried to delete the app and reinstall it?

    Do you own an IPad1 or 2?

    Profile photo of Lieven-DewispelaereLieven-Dewispelaere

    I have the same setup. DIR815 and ipad1
    I have no problems but it took a while to configure the IDR815
    problems and solutions.
    when the ipad was on and then i switched the DIR815 on i could not get a connection.I had to remove the DHCP/macaddress reservation and use normal DHCP for the ip address for the ipad.
    when both 2.4 and 5Ghz or on in the IDR815 the ipad constant switched between the two so i disabled the 2.4
    I use 802.11a only
    SSID is desabled
    Multicast is enable on all devices
    Now i have a stable connection



    Save a tree, eat a beaver

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Thanks, everyone.

    I have an iPad 2. I will try disabling the 2.4 GHz band, which is something I haven’t thought of.

    Profile photo of kullekulle


    same issue here…….i use an ipad 2 and two D-Link 815 Router (Surface and mixrack).

    Every 20-30 minutes after connect the mixpad app with the mixrack or surface router I get an message called: “The Wifi connectivity has been restored” and you only can click the “ok” button…..often this message is show 3 or 4 times.

    After this happend the connection between the mixrack or surface router is lost and i have to restart the mixpad app and try a new connection.
    Then it works fine……for the next 20-30 minutes.

    The mixpad app does not show any warning message of the lost connection.

    I have tried many things to solved this problem:

    Use only 2,4 GHz or 5 GHz, using different wifi modes, enable or disable multicast, DHCP or static ip, show SSID or hide SSID, close all other apps on the ipad, shut down……..but nothing works.

    And yes…..I am not happy.


    Profile photo of mumumumu

    same here – but just closing the window (not the app) and reopening it usually does it.


    allways latest firm and software
    iLive-144/t-80/idr-10 /idr-48/dante/pl-6/eyepad 1/belkin router/

    Profile photo of ElphieElphie

    After a few demos with borrowed iPads, I started using the app today on my new iPad (aka iPad 3) and found it to be quite stable, within reason. I used it at our church, which is held in a gymatorium. We had 2 iPads and a T112 connected to an iDR48. The only issue that occurred for me was the message “The Wifi connectivity has been restored” once most of the congregation arrived. As an IT professional in my real life, it’s clear to me that this would be related to the increasingly crowded wifi-hostile environment that arose once the punters arrived. The 200+ people and several phone/wifi hotspots certainly added another degree of crowding to the already busy 2.4Ghz band in our venue.

    My personal experience leads me to think that the A&H iPad app doesn’t like a poor quality network of any sort. Neither does the iLive editor app on my laptop. Any application where latency is paramount will have issues when the network degrades. I would suggest that the key to making the iPad app work is to deploy a robust network with decent strength and latency. That means real wifi hardware, like a distributed group of Cisco APs or something in that category. D-Link, whilst nice gear, is not in that category.

    There could be the potential for A&H to tweak the app to handle wifi issues better. A better error message than “The Wifi connectivity has been restored”, when technically wifi connectivity wasn’t lost but was degraded, would be a good start. More detailed log errors would be helpful too. I’m not an app coder, but anything is possible.

    I should say the app was great for our purposes. Even after a short time using it, it’s already become a valuable part of our operations. We use the iPads primarily for monitor mixing, but occasionally for FOH duties. As we always setup out T112, that’s our primary method of control. If you want the most reliable control solution, get a surface and some decent cat5. That’s why A&H sell them.

    However, as we can’t afford Cisco any time soon, I’ll be configuring our cheaper router to the less-crowded 5ghz band and adding some high gain antennas.


    Profile photo of Anonymous

    After several weeks of trying both the Airport Express and the D-Link DIR-815 , I have found the Airport Express to be more stable than the D-Link. The D-Link is a faster performer, when it works, but it just stops responding to MixPad after just a few minutes of use. With the D-Link I have to stop and restart MixPad several times per hour, not so with the Express. Allen & Heath consider the DIR-815 the best performer of the routers tested, but in my case I must have purchased a lemon. I will stick with the Express.

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