Compressor threshold & ratio bug?

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  • #22805
    Profile photo of Anonymous

    I’ve just done my first gig on T112/iDR48 with v1.82 software. It was a three day festival with lots of acts, so I had a chance to try out console thoroughly…
    Anyway, I’ve noticed two bugs with compressors..
    First one is that ratio displayed on surface LEDs doesn’t match ratio displayed on screen and second one is that compressor on mono input channels start compressing somewhere around 6dB under threshold level. By the time channel level hits threshold, I’m 10dB in reduction. On stereo channel threshold works normally.

    Anyone else noted same thing?

    Profile photo of StixStix

    Did you have the mono input channel compressors set to soft Knee by any chance?


    Richard Howey
    Audio Dynamite Ltd

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Now that’s embarrasing [:I]… Yes, I completely forgot about soft knee…

    Anyway.. Ratio still doesn’t match [:D][:D]

    Profile photo of kentlowtkentlowt

    Yes the ratio is way off about 4 on my console.


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