v1.81 Bug

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  • #22751
    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Has anyone noticed if you change your mix configuration (add a stereo matrix, etc…), once it’s done, all your pans, Aux send levels, pre/post settings are reset. This is not cool. I don’t remember this being an issue before. Please comment and let me know if this will be fixed soon and/or is known about. Thanks!

    Clint B
    A&H iLive Dealer

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Another possible bug:
    When adjusting the compressor ratio on the surface (144 in my case), the physical LED on the console is showing past the “6” mark, but the screen is showing 4:1. All other dials seems to be fine as far as the physical LED layout and the number showing in the Compressor view on the screen (Gain, Attack, release). Screen seems to be right, LEDs on the surface for the Ratio seems to need some calibration.

    Clint B
    A&H iLive Dealer

    Profile photo of DaveDave


    Originally posted by Clintage

    Has anyone noticed if you change your mix configuration (add a stereo matrix, etc…), once it’s done, all your pans, Aux send levels, pre/post settings are reset. This is not cool. I don’t remember this being an issue before. Please comment and let me know if this will be fixed soon and/or is known about. Thanks!

    Clint B
    A&H iLive Dealer

    I believe that the manual warns about this very thing.

    Save your settings, reconfigure, restore settings.

    Profile photo of AlbinAlbin

    Yes, once u change the configuration – just load an scene and there u go again.

    Profile photo of TuejoTuejo

    When I recall or just turn off-on the mixer it sets my deesser hz to 5000 Hz regardsless of what it is/was in the scene or on closedown og the desk…

    Profile photo of ThomasBThomasB

    Same here:

    Saved the show
    Made a new stereo matrix.
    Recalled the show
    the routing names are gone, renamed one of them, they are back.
    All DCAs are gone.
    All recallsafe channels are gone.

    So, loadet the older show, everything seemd right until the next morning:
    No output on mains, and matrixes. Only on auxes.

    Loadet the old show (before the reconfig)again, copied the newer scenes, and everything is back.
    By the way:
    This was on the day of the Premiere. WOW!

    IDR 48 T80

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