iLive Repair question

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  • #22590
    Profile photo of theWhiplashtheWhiplash

    Hi guys…
    new to the forum and new to the iLive world. The band I work with has just purchased an iLive system, T-80 with iDR32 Rack. We bought it 2nd hand from a church. Both pieces were shipped to us individually. The iDR made it without issue. The T-80 was mangled. Faders bent, and 2 channel encoders broke off. It fell in the FedEx truck while out for delivery…just our luck!
    FedEx did the mangling and knows they are responsible for repair–good for us! Bad for us is we don’t have a dealer or rep to go to for info on repair. I’ve done a bit of searching around the site but not readily finding the info for States. Can someone from A&H (roaming on here??) point me in the right direction or maybe one of you end users on here know something?? Please let me know.
    I should note that I sent an email to the tech support/American Music distributor listed in the sticky as well.
    Thanks for the help

    Matthew Grunden
    Big Daddy FOH/PM

    Profile photo of StealthStealth

    Hi Matt

    Please Contact America Music And Sound they will be able to help you with any Problems in the USA


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